Teacher groomed schoolboy for sex before falling pregnant with another pupil, jury hears in 8 May

Rebecca Joynes faces allegations of six instances of sexual conduct with a minor, two of which occurred in her capacity as a person in a position of trust.

Teacher groomed schoolboy for sex before falling pregnant with another pupil, jury hears in 8 May
Rebecca Joynes faces allegations of six instances of sexual conduct with a minor

Teacher’s Trial for Sexual Misconduct

In a case that has shocked the community, Rebecca Joynes, a 30-year-old teacher from Wirral, stands trial at the Manchester Crown Court. She faces six charges of engaging in sexual activity with a child, including two counts as a person in a position of trust. Joynes has denied all allegations.

The prosecution alleges that Joynes meticulously groomed her first 15-year-old victim, referred to as Boy A, by purchasing a £345 Gucci belt from Selfridges during a shopping trip to the Trafford Centre. She then reportedly took him to her Salford apartment, where they are accused of having sex twice.

Following a police investigation, Joynes was suspended from teaching. She claimed to the police that no sexual activity took place and was released on bail under the condition of not contacting anyone under 18 without supervision.

The jury heard that while on bail for the case involving Boy A, Joynes allegedly became pregnant with another teenager, referred to as Boy B. Prosecutor Joe Allman detailed how Boy A had testified in court, answering questions from Joynes’s lawyer during a recorded cross-examination.

The case was adjourned to await the remainder of the trial, but it was revealed that Joynes had engaged in a prolonged sexual relationship with another 15-year-old student of hers. Boy B provided his account, stating that Joynes was his teacher and they had been in contact during her suspension, leading to visits to her apartment when he was 15.

Their relationship turned sexual after he turned 16, resulting in a pregnancy that shocked Boy B, as Joynes had previously informed him she could not conceive due to polycystic ovary syndrome.

The court was informed of the intricate details of their encounters, including the exchange of explicit messages and gifts, culminating in a pregnancy that occurred while Joynes was on bail. The trial, which has captured public attention, continues on Wednesday.

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