He lost – Former Scotland Captain Stuart Hogg’s Journey Through Rehabilitation

Stuart Hogg's Courageous Confession: Rehab Journey Begins After Recent Arrest


The sports world was taken aback when Stuart Hogg, the former captain of Scotland’s rugby team, made a startling revelation about his recent stint in rehabilitation. This disclosure came on the heels of an arrest that shocked fans and fellow players alike.

He lost - Former Scotland Captain Stuart Hogg's Journey Through Rehabilitation
He lost – Former Scotland Captain Stuart Hogg’s Journey Through Rehabilitation

Stuart Hogg and reality

The news of Hogg’s arrest sent ripples through the rugby community, raising questions and concerns about the pressures faced by athletes.

In a candid admission, Hogg shared his experiences within the walls of the rehab facility, where he spent time away from the limelight to focus on his well-being and mental health.

The process was not easy for Hogg, who had to confront the underlying issues that led to his arrest. It was a period of self-discovery, as he engaged in various therapeutic activities designed to aid in his recovery.

Stuart Hogg’s Resolve

As Hogg emerges from this challenging phase, his resolve to make amends and move forward is clear. He has expressed a desire to return to the sport he loves, but with a new perspective on life and his responsibilities as a public figure. The support from his family, friends, and teammates has been a cornerstone of his recovery, providing him with the strength to face the public and share his story.

Stuart Hogg’s journey is far from over, but his willingness to be open about his challenges is a step towards healing, not just for himself, but for others who may be facing similar battles. His story serves as a reminder of the human aspect of athletes and the importance of addressing mental health issues head-on.

Posted by Stuart Hogg

“It’s been tough.

I was lost, needed help, direction, time away from the spotlight to be able to take a deep breath and think. I’ve been so concerned about what people thought of me, how I was coming across, the impact I would have on them and how I would survive the day. I lived every moment in my head and it wasn’t healthy.

Spending time at a rehabilitation centre allowed me to reset, learn about myself and talk about how I felt, without being judged. It’s not been easy but it was the right thing to do. Taking accountability was the first step in the right direction. I accept I have made mistakes and understand why I acted as I did.
Personal, private issues being played out in the public eye and online abuse are things that have impacted me significantly. I’ve not been able to deal with it. Online abuse IS NOT OK.

Having some time away has allowed me to see the world differently, be grateful for the things I have and most importantly, be excited about what is in front of me in the short, medium and long term.

THANK YOU to everyone who has been in touch and offered support, friendship and love. You have helped me through the darkest of times and I will look forward to embracing what is next with you all.”

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