Fat Cat in China: 21-Year-Old’s Ultimate Sacrifice for Love Leads to Heartbreaking End

Tragic Love in China: 21-Year-Old’s Ultimate Sacrifice for Love Leads to Heartbreaking End

Chinese social media has been relentlessly sharing the heart-wrenching story of a young man-nicknamed Fat Cat, born in 2003 from Hunan, China, who tragically took his own life due to romantic turmoil.

Fat Cat in China: 21-Year-Old’s Ultimate Sacrifice for Love Leads to Heartbreaking End
Dam Truc in the story

About Fat Cat

On the morning of April 11, a young man jumped off the Yangtze River Bridge (Chongqing) and committed suicide. On April 23, people recovered the body of the young man. The boy was previously known as an online gamer with the name Fat Cat.

After the boy suddenly passed away, the older sister, realizing something unusual, checked the content of her younger brother’s conversation and discovered the heartbreaking story behind it. Turns out, the reason Fat Cat committed suicide was because of love.

The story of a young man in love

It is known that 2 years ago, the boy met a girl named Dam Truc (1997, Chongqing). During the year of their relationship, the boy transferred a total of 510,000 yuan (about 1.8 billion VND) to the girl.

Through the transmitted messages, it can be seen that Fat Cat always complies with every request from his girlfriend who is 6 years older than him, just like the guy said when he first started falling in love, “I will love you with all my heart.” what I have”.

Not only on anniversaries, Valentine’s Day… guys often transfer money to their girlfriends to please her with everything she wants. When the girl wanted to buy a bracelet for 9,999 yuan (about 35 million VND), the boy did not hesitate to transfer 10,000 yuan.

Or like Dam Truc wanting to get vaccinated against breast cancer, when he runs out of money, when installments are due, going on a trip with friends… just say a sentence, Fat Cat will not hesitate to transfer all the money himself. earn. On Dam Truc’s birthday last March, the young man gave his girlfriend an iPhone 15. The girl even “boldly” asked Fat Cat for 40,000 yuan (about 143 million VND) to open her flower shop.

Because the girl said she didn’t want a long-distance relationship, the guy flew from Hunan to Chongqing to live. But under the excuse of not wanting to live together before getting married, the guy rented a house to live here to be close to his lover: “Just being able to live near you is enough” – the guy’s message left many people speechless pain.

In order to have a large amount of money to spend on his love, the boy had to live miserably for a long time.

To save money, when traveling from Hunan to Chongqing, the young man chose to take the cheap train. The boy’s room in Chongqing was extremely small and simple, without even a blanket.

Every day, the boy only dared to order cheap food for about 10 yuan (about 30,000 VND). Sometimes, just because he wanted to save 5 dimes (about 1,500 VND), he canceled the order and re-ordered it. Fat Cat’s avatar also has the phrase “don’t want to eat vegetables, want to eat McDonald’s”.

Tragic Love: 21-Year-Old’s Ultimate Sacrifice for Love Leads to Heartbreaking End
Fat Cat only dared to order cheap food

It is estimated that each game of plowing game can be rented for 25 yuan (about 90,000 VND). To get 510,000 yuan, you have to play more than 20,000 games, every day you have to “plosh” 14 hours or more. Fat Cat even told his friend that he had vomited blood but still did not dare to go to the doctor because he was saving money for his girlfriend.

Despite his deep feelings, all he received was coldness from the person he loved. Before that, even though his friends advised him many times, he still believed in his lover.

It is known that the two had agreed to register their marriage by May 2024, but starting in April, Dam Truc acted cold and wanted to break up. Dam Truc’s friends even posted information that she admitted that she liked girls and broke up in April last year, but because Fat Cat still transferred money, she continued.

On the morning of April 11, a young man jumped off the Yangtze River Bridge (Chongqing) and committed suicide. On April 23, people recovered the body of the young man. The boy was previously known as an online gamer with the name Fat Cat.

After the boy suddenly passed away, the older sister, realizing something unusual, checked the content of her younger brother’s conversation and discovered the heartbreaking story behind it. Turns out, the reason Fat Cat committed suicide was because of love.

There’s a stir about a 21-year-old boy who committed suicide because of love: He transferred 1.8 billion to his girlfriend in 2 years, only ate 30k per meal, and didn’t dare to be examined when he was sick – Photo 1.
It is known that 2 years ago, the boy met a girl named Dam Truc (1997, Chongqing). During the year of their relationship, the boy transferred a total of 510,000 yuan (about 1.8 billion VND) to the girl.

Through the transmitted messages, it can be seen that Fat Cat always complies with every request from his girlfriend who is 6 years older than him, just like the guy said when he first started falling in love, “I will love you with all my heart.” what I have”.

Not only on anniversaries, Valentine’s Day… guys often transfer money to their girlfriends to please her with everything she wants. When the girl wanted to buy a bracelet for 9,999 yuan (about 35 million VND), the boy did not hesitate to transfer 10,000 yuan.

There’s a stir about a 21-year-old boy who committed suicide because of love: He transferred 1.8 billion to his girlfriend in 2 years, only ate 30k per meal, and didn’t dare to be examined when he was sick – Photo 2.
The boy continuously transferred money to his girlfriend

Or like Dam Truc wanting to get vaccinated against breast cancer, when he runs out of money, when installments are due, going on a trip with friends… just say a sentence, Fat Cat will not hesitate to transfer all the money himself. earn. On Dam Truc’s birthday last March, the young man gave his girlfriend an iPhone 15. The girl even “boldly” asked Fat Cat for 40,000 yuan (about 143 million VND) to open her flower shop.

Because the girl said she didn’t want a long-distance relationship, the guy flew from Hunan to Chongqing to live. But under the excuse of not wanting to live together before getting married, the guy rented a house to live here to be close to his lover: “Just being able to live near you is enough” – the guy’s message left many people speechless. pain.

In order to have a large amount of money to spend on his love, the boy had to live miserably for a long time.

To save money, when traveling from Hunan to Chongqing, the young man chose to take the cheap train. The boy’s room in Chongqing was extremely small and simple, without even a blanket.

Every day, the boy only dared to order cheap food for about 10 yuan (about 30,000 VND). Sometimes, just because he wanted to save 5 dimes (about 1,500 VND), he canceled the order and re-ordered it. Fat Cat’s avatar also has the phrase “don’t want to eat vegetables, want to eat McDonald’s”.

There’s a stir about a 21-year-old boy who committed suicide because of love: He transferred 1.8 billion to his girlfriend in 2 years, only ate 30k per meal, and didn’t dare to be examined when he was sick – Photo 3.
Guys usually only order cheap things every day

It is estimated that each game of plowing game can be rented for 25 yuan (about 90,000 VND). To get 510,000 yuan, you have to play more than 20,000 games, every day you have to “plosh” 14 hours or more. Fat Cat even told his friend that he had vomited blood but still did not dare to go to the doctor because he was saving money for his girlfriend.

Despite his deep feelings, all he received was coldness from the person he loved. Before that, even though his friends advised him many times, he still believed in his lover.

It is known that the two had agreed to register their marriage by May 2024, but starting in April, Dam Truc acted cold and wanted to break up. Dam Truc’s friends even posted information that she admitted that she liked girls and broke up in April last year, but because Fat Cat still transferred money, she continued.

There’s a stir about a 21-year-old boy who committed suicide because of love: He transferred 1.8 billion to his girlfriend in 2 years, only ate 30k per meal, and didn’t dare to be examined when he was sick – Photo 4.
In the end, even though Fat Cat tried to hold on, the girl still refused to continue the relationship, which led the boy to make a foolish decision.

One hour before jumping off the bridge, the boy placed 760 flowers symbolizing 760 days of love, along with transferring 66,666 yuan (about 239 million) to her with the message “voluntary transfer”.

Immediately after a series of information related to the story was posted on social networks, the community was shaken.

Many people expressed their sympathy for the young man by sending bouquets of flowers, portions of McDonald’s food to the bridge where the young man committed suicide, which Fat Cat did not dare to buy when he was alive. My condolences, I hope you will have a better life in your next life. Before you love someone, you must learn to love yourself.

Fat Cat in China: 21-Year-Old’s Ultimate Sacrifice for Love Leads to Heartbreaking End
Many people expressed their sympathy for the young man

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